
The process of obtaining a recognition of an academic degree or diploma of foreign higher education follows the following steps:

1. Request

Each of the forms of recognition provided (automatic, level, specific) can only be requested once for the same academic degree or foreign higher education diploma, and the withdrawal does not prejudice the submission of another application, at the same institution or at a different institution (Article 10 of Decree-Law No. 66/2018).


However, it does not grant the right to a refund of the amount paid as a fee (paragraph 4, article 11 of DL no. 66/2018).

The same academic degree or diploma can receive specific recognition and/or level recognition.

If you want to request a level recognition and/or specific recognition of a degree or foreign higher education diploma in the scientific area of nursing or in the respective specialisation areas taught by ESEL, fill out this online form

Before submitting the form, please consult the Practical Guide of Recognition Support from DGES - click here»

When specific recognition is refused on the grounds that the Higher Education Institution does not confer the degree or diploma in the area of training, specialty or branch of knowledge suitable for that purpose, the applicant may submit another application to another institution, the refused application not being considered for the purposes of the limits provided for in paragraph 4 of article 4 of DL no. 66/2018, of the 16th of August (article 11-B of Ordinance no. 43/2020, of the 14th of February).


2. Payment of Fees

After submitting the application for recognition through the online form, accompanied by all the documentation, the applicant will be contacted by ESEL via the email address for information about their bank details and deadlines for the purpose of paying the respective fee:


Specific recognition ................................................................. 607.80 €

Issuing a 2nd copy of the Recognition registration certificate..... 25.40€


Failure to pay within 10 working days and/or failure to submit the requested documents within 30 days, implies the cancellation of the recognition request.


3. Analysis and deliberation

After payment, the specific recognition request, duly instructed, will be analysed and subject to deliberation by the jury appointed for that purpose.


The final decision will be communicated to the applicant via the email address indicated on the online form.

Within a maximum period of 10 working days after receiving the jury's decision, the applicant has the right to be heard before the final decision is made, and may appeal, duly substantiated to

After the period indicated above and if there is no appeal by the applicant, the decision becomes final.

After recognition is granted, a certificate will be issued under the terms of Ordinance No. 43/2020, of the 14th of February, which will be sent to the applicant via email.

In case of doubts, you can contact us through the email address: