Master’s in Community Nursing

The study program’s generic objectives:

  • Develop skills in specialized community nursing care that promote the training of families, groups and communities with a view to the population’s health gains in an interdisciplinary, interprofessional and intersectoral approach
  • Train for evidence-based practice collaborating in the production of knowledge that contributes to the personal, professional and institutional development of community nursing
  • Develop skills that allow lifelong learning autonomously, contributing to the (re) construction of planning and implementation of interventions at the level of community nursing
  • Develop skills for the decision-making process in complex and unpredictable situations, at the level of community nursing, according to the principles of ethics and professional deontology Develop communication skills effectively to disseminate knowledge and research results in community nursing

Intended learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competences) to be developed by the students:

  • Demonstrate knowledge, understanding and communication skills in community nursing, in an interdisciplinary, interprofessional and intersectoral approach.
  • Develop reflective practice based on the ethical and social values of families, groups and communities for decision-making in community nursing.
  • Analyze the situation of family, community and public health based on theories and models of community nursing intervention.
  • Develop research projects in community nursing and lifelong learning activities in search of excellence in professional practice.
  • Train for the evaluation of policies, programs, projects and for the leadership and management of community nursing care.
  • Train for the planning of specialized care in community nursing that promote the guarantee of human rights, citizenship, inclusion and respect for cultural diversity in order to safeguard the sustainable development of communities

Insertion of the study program in the institutional educational offer strategy, in light of the mission of the institution and its educational, scientific and cultural project:
This master's course in community nursing was preceded by another that ran for 10 years, with a considerable record of increased demand. It is an educational project that responds to the needs of Portuguese society, namely the centrality of care in the community. Itis designed in line with ESEL's mission, which establishes that this is a “center for the creation, development, transmission and dissemination of nursing culture and science, which aims at excellence and innovation”. In this context, the training component is the center of ESEL's activity, which is why its educational project includes courses at the level of 3 study cycles: undergraduate, master ‘sand doctoral degrees, thus meeting the expectations of the large number of candidates for training. graduated and post-graduated from ESEL and also to the needs in human resources, in the area of health. More specifically in terms of postgraduate training, namely master's degrees, this has seen an increase in demand in recent years, which demonstrates, on the one hand, the interest of nurses and, on the other hand, the need for more human resources than evidence knowledge and ability to understand and intervene at the level of more specific areas of specialty in nursing. The recent reflection, made by the teaching team, on the offer of the already existing master's degrees at ESEL identified the need for further deepening and pedagogical and scientific autonomy of the various areas of specialization, for which ESEL has its own qualified and specialized teaching staff. which will allow the development of the skills of these teams, namely the reinforcement of research within the scope of the nursing discipline. The present master's proposal is a response to the country's health needs, considering on the one hand, the epidemiological indicators, sociodemographic changes and technological changes of contemporary times in dialogue with the phenomenon of globalization, and on the other hand responding to the need training / specialization of human resources in accordance with new health policies with regard to family health, public health and community health responses. The curriculum is built on the skills acquired in the 1st cycle and has as its horizon the PhD program in nursing at the University of Lisbon in partnership with ESEL. It is constituted in this sense, as a stage of nursing education that articulates the 3 study cycles supported by a faculty with doctorates, masters and recognized specialist title.



Study plan-1st year- 1st semester      
Curricular Unit Scientific Area (1) Duration (2) Working Hours (3) Contact Hours (4) ECTS Observations (5)        
Advanced Nursing 723 semiannual 108 T-10; TP-18; S-15; 4 -        
Research 723 semiannual 81 T-10; TP-4; PL-8; S-10; 3 -        
Nursing Ethics and Deontology 723 semiannual 54 T-10; TP-5; TC-2; OT-5; 2 -        
Health Policies 723 semiannual 81 T-14; TP-10; S-8; 3 -        
Community Health Promotion 723 semiannual 162 T-30; TP-24; S-10; 6 -        
Health Planning 720 semiannual 135 T-20; TP-20; S-14; 5 -        
Epidemiology 720 semiannual 135 T-29; TP-20; S-5; 5 -        
Social determinants of health 723 semiannual 54 T-10; TP-12; 2 -        
Study plan- 1st year- 2nd semester            
Unidade Curricular / Curricular Unit Área Científica/ ScientificArea (1) Duração /Duration(2) Horas Trabalho/ WorkingHours (3) Horas Contacto/ Contact Hours(4) ECTS Opcional Observações /Observations (5)      
Nursing Management and Leadership 723 semiannual 81 T-22; TP-10; 3   -      
Environmental health 723 semiannual 81 T-14; TP-13; S-5; 3   -      
Community and public health nursing 723 semiannual 108 T-15; TP-10; TC-5; S-10; OT-3; 4   -      
Optional course: Culturally Competent Nursing Care 723 semiannual 135 T-15; TP-5; TC-19; S-10; OT-5; 5 1 -      
Optional course: Caring for people, families and communities in different contexts from a bioecological perspective of health 723 semiannual 135 T-10; TP-10; TC-10; S-14; OT-10; 5 1 -      
Internship 723 semiannual 405 S-10; E-260; OT-10; 15 1 For Internship with Report route      
Project development 723 semiannual 405 TP-47; TC-30; S-30; OT-55; 15 1 For Dissertation course or course Project work in the 3rd semester      
Study plan- 2nd year- 1st semester              
Unidade Curricular /Curricular Unit Área Científica /Scientific Area (1) Duração /Duration (2) Horas Trabalho /Working Hours (3) Horas Contacto /Contact Hours (4) ECTS Opcional Observações /Observations (5)      
Internship with learning report 723 semiannual 810 S-20; E-520; OT-20; 30 1 The student chooses one of the routes      
Dissertation 723 semiannual 810 TC-284; S-20; OT-20; 30 1 The student chooses one of the routes      
Project work 723 semiannual 810 TC-284; S-20; OT-20; 30 1 The student chooses one of the routes      
Study plan- 1st year- 1st semester              
Unidade Curricular / Curricular Unit Área Científica /Scientific Area (1) Duração /Duration (2) Horas Trabalho /Working Hours (3) Horas Contacto /Contact Hours (4) ECTS Observações/Observations(5)        
Advanced Nursing 723 semiannual 108 T-10; TP-18; S-15; 4 -        
Research 723 semiannual 81 T-10; TP-4; PL-8; S-10; 3 -        
Nursing Ethics and Deontolog 723 semiannual 54 T-10; TP-5; TC-2; OT-5; 2 -        
Health Policies 723 semiannual 81 T-14; TP-10; S-8; 3 -        
Communication in family health assessment 723 semiannual 162 T-14; TP-20; PL-20; TC-10; 6 -        
Models and techniques of family assessment 723 semiannual 135 T-15; TP-15; TC-4; S-10; OT-10; 5 -        
Nursing intervention in family systems 723 semiannual 108 T-14; TP-9; TC-10; S-10; 4 -        
Theoretical frameworks for family nursing 723 semiannual 81 T-12; TP-15; S-5; 3 -        
Study plan-1st year- 2nd semester        
Unidade Curricular / Curricular Unit Área Científica/ ScientificArea (1) Duração /Duration(2) Horas Trabalho/ WorkingHours (3) Horas Contacto/ Contact Hours(4) ECTS  Opcional Observações /Observations (5)      
Nursing Management and Leadership 723 semiannual 81 T-22; TP-10; 3   -      
Caring for families with complex situations 723 semiannual 81 T-12; PL-10; S-10; 3   -      
Caring for families across the life span 723 semiannual 108 T-14; TP-19; S-10; 4   -      
Optional course: Culturally Competent Nursing Care 723 semiannual 135 T-15; TP-5; TC-19; S-10; OT-5; 5 1 -      
Optional course: Caring for people, families and communities in different contexts from a bioecological perspective of health 723 semiannual 135 T-10; TP-10; TC-10; S-14; OT-10; 5 1 -      
Internship 723 semiannual 405 S-10; E-260; OT-10; 15 1 For Internship with Report      
Project development 723 semiannual 405 TP-47; TC-30; S-30; OT-55; 15 1 For course Dissertation or course Project work in the 3rd semester      
Study plan-2nd year- 1st semester            
Unidade Curricular /Curricular Unit Área Científica /Scientific Area (1) Duração /Duration (2) Horas Trabalho /Working Hours (3) Horas Contacto /Contact Hours (4) ECTS Opcional Observações /Observations (5)      
Internship with learning report 723 semiannual 810 S-20; E-520; OT-20; 30 1 The student chooses one of the routes      
Dissertation 723 semiannual 810 TC-284; S-20; OT-20; 30 1 The student chooses one of the routes      
Project work 723 semiannual 810 TC-284; S-20; OT-20; 30 1 The student chooses one of the routes