Abstracts Submissions

The Nursing Research, Innovation and Development Centre of Lisbon (CIDNUR) organizes, on November 8, 2024, its 2nd International Research Conference.

With a strong emphasis on self-care as an emerging topic for the 21st century, the conference, which will take place in person and will be live-streamed, aims to deepen the fundamental contribution that research and partnerships represent to current national and international trends in nursing and health. 

It will feature internationally recognised lecturers in the field of nursing research, as well as the presentation of results from completed and ongoing projects at CIDNUR.

Researchers interested in submitting their proposals for Oral Communications and Posters must send their abstracts by June 30, 2024, to the e-mail nursingtrends.cidnur@esel.pt , indicating if the proposal is for an oral communication or for a poster.

The oral communications will be presented in person from 9:00 am to 10:00 am (Portugal time). Posters will be available online and in a slideshow. 

Guidelines for the submission of abstracts for Oral Communications and Posters: 

1. Oral communications and posters are the sole responsibility of their authors and must be original and report the results of research studies or central themes for Nursing research.
2. Abstracts must be submitted in the two official languages of the Conference – Portuguese and English, in the conference templates (resumo PT; abstract EN), having a limit of 300 words (not counting the title, authors and bibliography).
3. The templates provided for submission specify the sections that can be used in an abstract.  Each section has a corresponding formatting style, which can be found in Word's "Styles" menu. The abstract must contain the following information:
3.1. Title illustrative of the content, up to 12 words - It should be a concise description of the nature and topic of the study and identify the study;
3.2. Authors’ identification - Name and Surname; affiliation [Department + Institution]; contact e-mail; and identification of the corresponding author. The maximum number of authors per proposal is six (6);
3.3. Introduction - It should clearly provide a context or basis for the study (i.e. the nature of the problem and its relevance); 
3.4. Objective (s) - Identify the objective(s) of the study(ies);
3.5. Methods - Identify the methodological options, referring to the type of study, material/data collection instruments, participants, and methods;
3.6. Results - Provide the main results of the study;
3.7. Conclusion - Link the conclusions to the study objectives, summarize the main points of the argument, and set out recommendations for practice/research/education/management, as appropriate;
3.8. Keywords - A minimum of 4 and a maximum of 6, mostly validated in browsers of Mesh and DeCs indexing terms;
3.9. Bibliography - Maximum 3 references, in Vancouver style.
4. Authors will be e-mailed, by 16/07/2024, of the Scientific Committee’s decision regarding the proposed abstract. In this e-mail, the authors of the approved abstracts will also receive the template to prepare the poster or oral communication.
6. The author who will present the oral communication must regularize his/her registration by 30/08/2024.
7. Until 30/09/2024, authors must send the presentation of the oral communication in the Nursing Trends’ template to the e-mail nursingtrends.cidnur@esel.pt
8. Until 30/09/2024, authors must send the poster in the Nursing Trends’ template to the e-mail nursingtrends.cidnur@esel.pt
9. Oral communications will have 8 minutes for presentation and 2 minutes for discussion with the audience. 
10. Posters will be available in the slideshow during the event. 
11. Each researcher can present a maximum of one work and participate as a co-author in a maximum of three works.
12. The oral communications and posters presented will be certified with the authors’ names. The certificate will be e-mailed to the corresponding author.
13. Authors may submit the abstracts related to their posters and oral communications to the Revista Pensar Enfermagem which will make a special issue with accepted abstracts.

Important dates:

Submission of Abstracts - by 30/06/2024

Communication of acceptance - by 16/07/2024

Registration of the author of the communication – by 30/08/2024

Sending of the posters and presentations in the final format - by 30/09/2024